Is Short-Term Insurance Available?

equipment insurance

Your firm may be embarking on a short-term project that requires special or unique insurance coverage. Movie Insure Insurance can help you with this coverage. Many filming locations require that you present them with a certificate of insurance, naming them as additionally insured before they allow you on the property. You may need to rent very specialized equipment that requires insurance. All these issues can be managed through the proper kinds of insurance products.


Short Term Production Insurance


Our short-term coverage can include the following:

General Liability – General Liability protects against claims of bodily injury or property damage and personal injury arising out of filming activity.

Third-Party Property Damage – Covers damage to property in your care. For example, a building in which you film a commercial.

Owned & Rented Equipment – An equipment floater may be needed to insure property that moves from location to location.

Workers’ Compensation – Covers injury to employees while on location or on the job at any site.

Set and Prop Coverage – Property coverage in case sets or props are damaged.

Non-Owned and Hired Auto – Insures you from liability arising out of using or renting a vehicle that you do not own. Excess Liability Insurance – Provides additional Liability protection over the General Liability and Non-owned/Hired Automobile Liability.

Event classes include: Holiday Events, Plays, Concerts and Shows, Weddings, Festivals, Business Meetings, Parties, and many more.


Event Insurance


Eligible Events

To be eligible for Annual Events program, each scheduled event must:

1. Take place anywhere in the United States or Canada

2. Not have: Stunts, Pyrotechnics, Aircraft, Hazardous Activities, Car Races, Precision Driving, Mechanical Amusement Devices, Private Armed Security Guards, Film Production, Live Rap/Hip-Hop music, Live Metal music


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